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Le journal pour les jeunes, par les  jeunes

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The role of the media in international conflicts

The media plays a crucial role in how conflicts are perceived and handled by the public. Their influence cannot be underestimated, as they have the power to shape public opinion and influence the attitudes and behaviors of individuals. During a conflict, the media can serve as a platform to disseminate information about current events, the actors involved and the issues at stake. They can also play a role in mobilizing public opinion in favor of or in opposition to certain actions or positions. We will proceed with an analysis by taking the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as an example.
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Regain de tensions en Cisjordanie

Le conflit israélo-palestinien fait encore des siennes au Moyen-Orient. Depuis le début de l’année, les violences se sont accrues. Et la semaine dernière ont pris un nouveau tournant. Retour sur les évènements, et les tentatives d’endiguement par les autorités.